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How To Know Your Home Tutor Is Doing A Good Job With Your Child

//How To Know Your Home Tutor Is Doing A Good Job With Your Child

If your child is not performing well in school, you should consider home tuition. Hiring a good home tutor will help your child improve his or her performance at school. When making the hiring decision, you have to consider some factor including gender, age, qualifications, experience and budget. However, it is difficult to know whether the teacher will do a good job with your child until you hire him or her. You can take time to observe several sessions at the beginning, to look for the following things in the tutor:

Passion and knowledge in the subject

The tutor should not only be knowledgeable in the subject they are teaching your child, but should also be passionate about it. The tutor should be able to make your child love the subject. One way of doing that is to explain difficult concepts in a simple manner that is easy to remember. The aim of the teacher should be to instill his knowledge and passion to the student not only to get high grades but also to improve the child’s life.

Active teaching

Some tutors teach the child in a passive manner. This means, they come to your home, give your child some work to do and sit while the child does the work. If the child does not get the questions right, the teacher tells him or her to try repeatedly without offering to help. A tutor should not teach your child this way. Good tutors take an active approach in tutoring your child. They explain the concepts to the child instead of providing handouts. They take the initiative to help where the child has a challenge.


A good tutor must be able to motivate his or her students. The teacher should be interesting and not boring; authoritative not authoritarian; reasonable not harsh. He or she must have confidence in the student that he or she can do excellent. If the teacher is confident that the child will excel, the child will feel motivated to study hard.


A good tutor should be responsible, such that you can feel confident leaving him or her alone with your child. Being responsible also means that the tutor should be willing to stick with the child until the end of the school term. It also means that the tutor should not teach wrong things to the child. If he or she is unsure of any concept, research is necessary.

We provide the best info about home tuition [http://www.Home-tuition.sg]. For further details please visit the provided link.