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Standardized Graduate Business School Testing: Why Take The GRE Instead Of The GMAT?

A growing number of business schools now accept your GRE (Graduate Record Exam) scores for admission. However, this is not yet the case with all of them, and the business school candidates ought to research on their own which test is right for them, before applying to the school of their dreams. One of the first schools to accept the GRE scores for admission was Harvard Business School, and others soon followed suit. At the moment, you can submit your GRE

Steps to Improve the Quality of Education

The quality of the human resources does determine the destiny of any nation. There are many nations in the world, which have been spending huge amounts from their budgets to enhance the quality of education at all the levels. One of the developed nations, Japan is an example. It does not possess most of the required natural resources such as minerals, but the high quality working population could transform Japan into a developed economy. There are five major factors which can

Improving IELTS Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important aspect of all parts of the IELTS exam including the speaking, writing, listening, and reading test. Getting a high score in the speaking exam requires you to not only avoid errors but also show talent. In addition, it can be useful to learn phrases for the three different parts of the speaking exam, in order to increase your fluency and coherence. Getting a high score in the writing exam requires you to not only avoid errors

Top 10 Strategies for Newbie Homeschoolers

1. Write your vision and goals down. Verba volant, scripta manent. That’s Latin for “Spoken words fly away, but written words remain.” This will help you for those moments when you: can’t remember why you decided to homeschool or need to see the big picture or must put theory aside and actually achieve something. In the words of Tom Fleming, “That which gets written, gets done.” 2. Learn about different curricula. The options can be overwhelming, so give yourself time to research at your own

10 Foolproof Tips About How To Ace Your English ACT Test

ACT English Test Prep and Practice Makes Perfect The ACT test can be daunting, especially for newbies and first timers. It takes a lot of prep and practice to be able to muster confidence come the ACT test day. So what ACT prep methods are considered to be effective? You’ll want to pass the ACT test with flying colors to be able to gain admission to the college of your choice. Among the most challenging sections of this test is the

Revision and Practice Key Tools to Success in Exams

However, there exists no magic formula or short-cuts for obtaining good results. What is required here on the part of every student is putting in plenty of hard work, planning and preparing early on in the academic session. REVISION AND MORE REVISION – GATEWAY TO SUCCESS IN EXAMS Almost all schools use test results as one of the main tools for comparing one set of students with the other and this has increased the importance of obtaining good grades in the school

4 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Aim For A High ACT Score

By     There are several reasons why you should aim for a high score in the ACT. All the test prep and planning you do will actually pay off. The higher your score in the test, the better your chances are of getting into a selective college and qualify to be a recipient of a reputable scholarship program. Here are 4 valuable reasons why you should aim for a high ACT

3 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Take GED Practice Tests

Why take GED practice tests? Simple. It is the most predominant answer to the major questions of GED test takers which are “What should I do to pass the GED test?” and “How can I study effectively for the GED?” Taking GED practice tests gives you the experience of what it’s like to tackle the real thing. The questions contained in practice tests have a similar structure to the actual GED test. Then again, there is a particular boon to these

4 Steps To Follow To Retake The ACT Test And Increase Your Score

By     There are many reasons why students choose to retake the ACT test. It’s a common phenomenon and it actually brings numerous perks. Retaking the ACT means you’ll have varied scores in hand, making you capable to choose which of these to send to your target colleges. As they say, real experience is the best teacher, and this applies to the ACT test, too. The first time may have been

How To Use ACT Practice Tests For A Fast And Easy Test Prep

Take Practice Tests In The Most Realistic Testing Conditions How do you make the most of ACT practice tests in your test prep? You have to take them in an environment that’s most similar to the real ACT testing conditions and evaluate your answers and mistakes meticulously. Consider that ACT tests are a truly effective tool in preparing you for the actual exam. Use them to the best of your advantage by reflecting on them in the most productive ways. Take note