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What Are The Reasons Of Getting A Low Score On The ACT?

Sometimes, intelligent students think that they have it for the ACT as well. But surprisingly, they get a low score on this standardized test. Have you experienced the same? Smart students scoring low on the ACT happens quite a lot. It is in fact a common problem. However, there are ways to avoid it, such as by using the most effective test prep techniques. You can maintain your excellent performance in the classroom and the ACT if you apply the right

How to Build Your Child’s Interest in Reading

Given the hi-tech gadgets a child has access to today, it is a real challenge to get children to even open a book. If they are not watching television, they are either engrossed in an internet video game or are jabbing away at the tiny keys on their cell phone. Reading is important because it enhances language skills building a child’s comprehension ability and vocabulary. It also promotes visual development and verbal skills. Additionally, reading provides us with different lenses

IELTS – Writing and Speaking Tips That Will Make You Score High

IELTS is one of the most prestigious English language tests in the world for non-native speakers. Designed to provide the takers with essential writing, speaking, listening and reading skills, it is an outstanding means through which one can prove his/her level of English. More importantly, it is a tool that alongside perfecting communication proficiency also helps with immigration to an English speaking country – an advantage hard to ignore. This article focuses mainly on two key areas of the test

How Assignments Editing and Proofreading Services Makes Your Assignment of High Quality?

By Author: Domenic Tylor Editing refers to the correction of the writing whereas Proofreading refers to the detection of errors and their correction. Both the editing and proofreading plays an important role in the academics writings. Mostly the students want their assignments to be of high quality. It helps the scholars to achieve great ranks in their academics writing. While thinking about the quality of assignments a question arises How editing and proofreading makes your assignment of high quality? So the answer

6 Special Tips for Teaching English in China

China is a vibrant country with busy cities and peaceful riverside towns. The natives speak in a surprisingly complex language, but there is a problem. Even with a top-class economy, the people do not have much knowledge of the English language. Thus, it makes the country a rewarding and popular place for teaching purposes. Belonging to a native English speaking country and possessing a thorough knowledge of the language will prove to be a worthwhile place for the job of

Inform Yourself About SSAT and How It Influences Your Child’s Future

If your child is in the process of completing school, and is getting ready to apply for High School, then you will need to prepare him or her for the SSAT exam. Every year, millions of students appear for the SSAT. Some succeed, while some do moderately well, and a few don’t make it at all. What and why SSAT stands for Secondary School Admission Test. To put it simply, scoring well in this exam gives your child the best chance of

TOEFL In A Nutshell

The Test of English as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL, is the most widely accepted and respected test of English as a foreign language in the world, and the most comprehensive academic English test available. Thousands of colleges and universities, especially in the United States, accept it as a part of their admissions criteria for international applicants for whom English is a second language. TOEFL measures the ability of non-English speakers to use and understand the English language as it is

Learning Grammar in the 21st Century

I’m no good with a plough. I am equally as incompetent with a weaving loom, printing press or spinning jenny. And yet, my home is heated, my belly is full and I lead a meaningful and happy existence. How could this be when I am evidently missing so many key skills? The answer is, naturally, that those key skills were imperative to the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions, yet are largely irrelevant today. And it’s not just me either; millions of

How To Know Your Home Tutor Is Doing A Good Job With Your Child

If your child is not performing well in school, you should consider home tuition. Hiring a good home tutor will help your child improve his or her performance at school. When making the hiring decision, you have to consider some factor including gender, age, qualifications, experience and budget. However, it is difficult to know whether the teacher will do a good job with your child until you hire him or her. You can take time to observe several sessions at

Common Entrance Examination

Common Entrance Examinations consist of two components; verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests. Non-Verbal Reasoning Non-verbal reasoning tests are psychometric in nature with the main aim of testing the logic, thought processes and intelligence of candidates presented for the eleven plus examination, and similar secondary school entrance examinations. Practising past examination questions, in a formal setting, is the best way of assessing what a candidate has learnt and their ability to apply correct methods accurately within a limited time. Practising IQ tests and past non-verbal