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How To Beat The 4 Major Causes Of Getting A Low ACT Score

By     The ACT test is a major college admission test that will move you one step closer to your academic and career goals. This test is bound to evaluate how capable you are to study in college, particularly in your chosen schools. Amazing boons await you if you get a high score in the ACT test, that’s why it makes sense to prepare well for such an exam by adhering

5 Reasons To Appease Your Fears And Take The ACT Test

Are Your Experiencing “First Time” ACT Jitters? Is it your first time to take the ACT? If so, you may have different emotions about it, one of which is fear. That’s perfectly understandable, but then again, you shouldn’t feel that way. Other than the fact that you can retake that test, there are also various ways to make you all prepped up and ready for it. The first thing you ought to ask to appease your fears about the ACT is to

A Great Teacher Shapes the Minds of Today’s Youth to Build a Better Tomorrow

There are several people in this world who can inspire children to do many things. Such people include professional athletes, celebrities, singers, Fortune 500 business owners, authors, and possibly even a politician. However, even though these people were motivated to pursue a career in different directions, they all have one thing in common. They were all guided and inspired by teachers. Whether it was a teacher of basketball, voice, acting, business, writing, or a political science teacher, all of these

Group Study – Advantages & Disadvantages

Nowadays with the enrichment in the education and technology, the pace of learning has been varying and proceeding. This time required skill set is including not only high grading marks but also demanding for acquiring practical knowledge with enhancing the intellectual abilities of students. Now individuals ought to open-minded approach, practical facts and clear concepts in such a competitive environment. This is the thing that can acquire fast also with studying in the group. While studying in a single room

Advantages of E-Learning & How To Create An App For It

Education is no more confined to the walls of schools and educational institutions. With the prevalence of smartphones and tablets, it has now become possible to facilitate learning experiences online and beyond the boundaries of schools and institutions. eLearning has been gradually grabbing up space in the apps market and the reason is the widespread education industry. There’s literally no limit to the number of categories, learning fields, languages, or cultural peculiarities involved in it. Besides, students or young learners are

A Reflective Approach to Teaching Practicum Debriefing (RATPD)

The reflective approach to teaching practicum debriefing (RATPD) is a strategy that aids University teacher educators and school-based mentors in the task of developing student teachers’ ability to reflect. It is a practical user-friendly tool grounded in Schön’s (1987) reflection-on-action and the idea of Zeichner and Liston (1996) which states that reflective learning and teaching must involve the use of questions. It offers a systematic, yet a reflective way to debrief student teachers after a teaching episode and can be easily

The Most Important Personal Attributes You Need to Function As a Teaching Assistant

An investigation of the literature reveals seven personal attributes that teaching assistants (TA) need to function in their day-to-day tasks. These are: 1. Ability to positively relate or interact with students and teachers 2. Disposed to teamwork participation – a team player 3. Disposed to sharing knowledge/teaching 4. Willingness to accept and respond appropriately to instructions. 5. A caring disposition – nurturing, patient and fair 6. Flexibility 7. Critical reflection, so as to learn While all these are important, the literary investigation reveals the ability to positively relate

5 Effective Test-Taking Skills To Learn From Practice GED Test Exercises

By     You might be wondering about what really works so that you can pass the GED test. It’s actually a matter of knowing the right secrets, along with studying smart. Give yourself sufficient time for your test prep as well. According to the GED Testing Service, it takes more or less three months of studying for a learner to get a good score in the test. There are different methods

Home Schooling Three to Five Year Olds and Legal Requirements

Parents who decide to home school their pre-school children have researched the value of teaching your own children at home. Beginning home school at the pre-school age is an excellent way to get the parent and the child used to the idea of learning at home. This is also a great way to ease into learning how to teach and organize the home school schedule. The child is not used to attending a school; therefore there is no adjustment period.