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What is the role of social learning networks in the Education Industry?

Social learning network is one of the best way of learning in todays era and it is changing the way of learning by providing such important features The face of the education industry has changed at a quicker rate after the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. The need for the education sector to run smoothly resulted in all the educational institutions to adopt an online learning approach. However, this form of learning became popular in no time and many students started to learn

What’s the Career Outlook for Health Information Technology?

When you think about a career in medicine, you don’t immediately consider health information technology as one of the options. Yet, as medical systems are moving more towards being run by computers, IT professionals with a background in medicine or health are becoming more and more critical. Medical information technology careers are among the fastest-growing domains of study over the last few years. The supply of professionals in HIT fails to meet the demands of the industry. As a career,

How To Organize A Notebooking Station

Notebooking is the practice of journaling while you learn using pictures, words, or both. This is an easy and engaging way to teach any subject and works extremely well in the homeschool environment. Beautiful templates, coloring tools, and a learning environment provide learners with everything they need to notebook successfully. There are two reasons children thrive in a notebooking learning environment The have ownership of their work. They are designing and scripting their own learning. Quality templates add value into their work. The


Here is a short note on how to improve your English.  The English language is beautiful. It is the world’s lingua franca, which has been noted as one of the hard languages to learn in the world because of its grammar and spelling. If you intend to converse in English, it is advisable to improve your grammar, whether in spoken or written form.  I once heard the story of a young man who told his lady interest lovingly that

Is the Perfect Lesson Possible?

Every teacher will tell you that they would love to teach a perfect lesson each time they step in front of a class. We know that is not possible on a regular basis, maybe only on a rare occasion. We do try to produce a perfect lesson so that we can help our students develop fully. We may think we have finally achieved what we might describe as a perfect lesson only to find out from the reaction of our students

Parents Seek Reduction In Private School Fees Post Pandemic

By Author: BK Vijay Apart from the health hazards, the outbreak of COVID-19 has come with several other adverse effects too. Prime among them is the job losses. With various industries and businesses shut during the lockdown, employees have lost their source of income. At such a time, it is quite hard for many parents to continue paying the full school fees for their children. This is especially relevant in the case of parents who send their children to private schools as

So You Want to Be a Relief/Substitute Teacher

Once you have graduated and completed your practice teaching or want to return to the classroom, you may not be able to obtain a position in a school, immediately. One way to obtain extra experience or to get known at the schools around where you live is to offer to be a relief/substitute teacher. Included below are some ideas to help you begin the process of becoming a relief/substitute teacher. Firstly, decide, in advance, which schools you want to work in. Decide

Schools Should Collaborate With After-School Programs

Youth thrive and achieve in programs that foster caring child/adult relationships. These programs allow youth to form bonds with adults they grow to trust and staff who encourage them to succeed. When staff have long-term relationships with after-school program participants, they are able to identify changes in the child’s behavior that signal a need for intervention. A safe and secure environment that supports a child’s social and emotional development could also have a significant impact on improving a child’s academic performance.

How to start teaching kids English at home

However, it may be difficult to get along with the learning practice, but eventually, parents find their way to teach English to their kids. Most parents would do anything to teach their kids English at home, but they don’t know where and how to start. In nations, where the English language is not the native language, parents tend to teach their children English at an early level, keeping its significance in academia and in every other aspect of life in mind. Apart

An Ongoing Priority For American Education

The concept of a cognitive apprenticeship can be successfully applied to early childhood instruction. An ongoing priority for American education is the systemic reform of urban schools to better meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. One general recommendation from policymakers is that school reform efforts target the early education of young children through the design and implementation of effective, responsive curricula. A new program has the goal of developing a responsive instructional package for young learners in which