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Challenges and Opportunities to Foster School Success

Three actualities emerging from recent research indicate that we must focus concentrated attention on low-income children before they enter school: (a) poverty among young children is becoming more intense; (b) poverty coupled with other risk factors, such as chronic neighborhood violence and high stress from urban living, places young children at great risk of negative outcomes; and (c) early intervention with both children and their families can mitigate the effects of poverty and other risk factors and can enhance learning-related

Low Tuition Is in Very Deep Trouble

Equality of higher education opportunity is in very deep trouble in the United States today. Higher education opportunity is moving backward for those from the bottom quartile of family income, for African Americans, and for most Hispanics. Other groups that are in somewhat less but still serious trouble include the two middle family income quartiles, and males, as well students in many regions of the country affected by high prices but lacking adequate financial aid to finance college. The public policy

More Students Can Gain Access To College Education

The amount of time and effort students and parents put into planning, and how early they get started, are important factors in achieving access to postsecondary education. Schools play a key role in making planning resources, information and opportunities available and accessible. Educators believe that students should start post-high school planning in ninth grade or even earlier, but relatively few students report starting earlier than 10th grade. Young adults who did not continue their education after high school were more likely

Advantages Of A Good Personality For Your Career

There are many factors that determine your success in your career. Things like experience, skill, education, etc. One of the most important, if not the most important factor that determines your success in your career is your personality. You will always find people gravitate towards individuals who have a magnetic personality. People with attractive personality go on to become leaders. They are always popular and tend to have many friends. Employers look for candidates who not only have the necessary

How to Become a Pro at Essay Writing

By Author: Alan Parkar The students consider composing detailed writing pieces a daunting affair. Especially, the newbie students due to lack of interest, insufficient writing skills, and inadequate confidence in expressing emotional feelings, thoughts, and ideas find it hard to compose a handy essay. Students must subdue all those weaknesses that are mentioned in this paragraph. A large number of students find it hard and a tedious task to create a presentable writing piece. There are several reasons why students think

Why We Need to Learn Data Science?

By Author: Ravi kumar Data scientific research plays prominent function by doing appropriate route planning to make sure that consumers will obtain the trip for desired time and also duration. Anticipating analysis will certainly be made by utilizing data scientific research to predict the trip details. Data scientific research is likewise used in logistics like to make use of the shortest means possible and also much better method to ship the products. The beauty of data scientific research is automated cars, Visualize

How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Way High School Students Prepare for College

  This article dives into just a few of the many ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has made preparing and applying for college more difficult for this year’s high school juniors and seniors. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted virtually every aspect of our day to day lives, from the way we interact with our friends and family to the ways we work, eat, and play. But for high school students especially, the pandemic has also had a significant impact on their ability

Debunking the Curve of Forgetting

You’ve heard this before, I’m sure – maybe even during some training: “By tomorrow, you’ll have forgotten half of what happened today. In a week, you’ll only remember one or two things. In a year, you’ll have forgotten everything.” Yikes – way to prime people to forget… I honestly can’t think of anything worse to say to people, short of continuously belittling their intelligence. Yet you hear it all the time. Bonus points if they ask you to sign up for their next course.


One key aspect of life is personal development in every area that includes career, talent, business, etc. Personal development: can be defined as the process of enhancing an individual’s capabilities to improve their literacy, intelligence, knowledge, wealth, potential, quality of life, social status, career, employability, business, talent, skills, confidence, self-esteem, brand, spirituality, personality, and encourage the realization of their dreams and aspirations. Personal development can take place throughout a person’s life or as an individual desire. In this life, it can

Early Education – Foundation of Life

In this dynamic of a quickly growing world, there is cut-throat competition in every field you choose. The best way to survive in a competitive environment is to be well educated. Gone are the days of a belief that a child learns most during his/her secondary education. Preparation of being focused and mentally strong starts from the birth of a child. No doubt, primary and secondary education of a child is very important and it shapes an overall personality of