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Choosing College Is Choosing A Different Kind Of Present And Future Work

High School graduation requirements should be worked out at the school level by faculty and approved by parents and supervising boards, accepted by students who come to the school (who – one hopes! – have some choice in what school they attend), and which lay out the knowledge which a young person needs to be considered an effective adult. These requirements will not consist only of long-ago earned Carnegie units and/or test scores, but will be based on a system

The Culture Of The End Of High School

The end of high school is usually considered the end of childhood. If this is still true, students on the cusp of adulthood have to be ready to take on its responsibilities, including a readiness to work hard, even for those going on to the very pleasurable experience of college. The end of high school should focus less on the hasty gathering of bits of information and more on the skills and attitudes which are needed in those who want

Why learn English literature?

By Author: TEL Gurus The English language is a core subject. When we talk about studying the English language in school, it is a mandatory subject. As English goes with everything, it makes the subject itself an essential subject to study. But have you ever thought that why do you need to study English? Well, there might be a lot of reasons behind it. Exploring and figuring out the reasons can be challenging, but you don’t need to worry at all. Everything

Excellence In Education As A National Priority

Learning is a complex process. We learn by building on past experiences; by trial and error; by starting with simple tasks and combining them over time to accomplish more complex tasks; and, by gaining insight and understanding of the relationship between various parts of a problem. Research demonstrates that for teaching to be effective, a learner must be able to create meaningful relevant patterns. The process of learning must be maintained within a context of appropriate and challenging standards. If our

How to Encourage Reluctant Readers to Read More and Enjoy It

“I don’t like to read.” “Reading is boring.” Reading is old school.” “Reading takes too much time.” “I’d rather watch the movie.” I’m sure many of us have heard either these lines or something similar when attempting to encourage a reluctant reader to read. Oftentimes we will hear this from children; however, there is a large number of adults who express the same sentiments. This could be problematic for us as a country because reading is the foundation for learning.

LMS or Learning Management Systems – Explained!

The mobile phone soon made an entry and today has become an extension of us – our lifeline for communication. However, there are still some concepts that elude us like LMS or Learning Management Systems. So what are they? Just like Word helps us write documents and Gmail helps us manage our emails better, an LMS is a software program that helps us create, manage and deliver e-learning courses. E-Learning courses typically use a variety of content like audio and video

How to Keep Learners Engaged with Mobile Learning

By Author: Pankaj What is Mobile Learning (m-learning)? Nowadays, our smartphones stay cemented in our hands. We utilize it for every single thing. Interaction with associates and relatives, online buying, ordering meals, playing sports, and so on. Should we also adopt mobile phones for education? Mobile learning is a distinct way to obtain knowledge via mobile phones. Let’s jump into the mysteries and buried wealth of mobile learning and address some of the advantages. The concept of mobile education, or mLearning, can appear contradictory.

Time To Set High Academic Standards

For decades, political and business leaders have demanded education reform because bad schools were putting our nation “at risk” of losing its economic advantage. Many years, billions of dollars, and hundreds of reform strategies later, the schools survive largely untouched while America enjoys one of its greatest periods of prosperity in history. To some this is an enigma: how can we lead the world economically while trailing the world educationally? How will our economy fare when generations of poorly educated

Online Professional Homework Assistance – Getting The Right Help Is Needed

By Author: Natasha Hernandez Present day way of life has its own arrangement of advantages, and now and again restrictions. While it has favored us with mechanical blessings, it has set aside a few minutes ‘time for family’ an extravagance. Following full time work, most guardians wish to invest energy with their youngsters. For certain guardians, and children obviously, homework is viewed as a type of jackass work. However, there are other people who view at homework as a chance to quicken

Educational And Developmental Resilience

Nothing can be counted as progress in a community until the children and youth are well-served and show healthy development and steady, sustained advances in learning. The needs of children and youth in inner-city communities are very great, yet these communities continue to receive too little attention in most places. Even in those urban areas where major revitalization initiatives have been put into place, disinvestment of all kinds-economic, professional, and social-is the pattern, and fractionation across agencies, professional societies, and