By Author: Elise Simpson Are you a new teacher who approaches the new school year with a mix of excitement and trepidation? Then you should need the help of teacher resources websites! To help ease you into the year, now the teacher resources websites have the latest worksheets, activities, task cards, classroom decorations for primary and secondary education. In fact, it is an ever-increasing way to spark ideas, creativity, and innovation. The following list is a compilation
Many seniors in high school are forced to face an inevitable question after graduation. They must decide what to do in the immediate future. Many are told going to college right after high school is… Many seniors in high school are forced to face an inevitable question after graduation. They must decide what to do in the immediate future. Many are told going to college right after high school is the best option, but is it really? According to experts that
New teachers are drawn to the profession by a strong desire to teach. They go into teaching aware of the demands of the job and the salary levels they can expect. Once in the profession, new teachers feel a tremendous sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction, much more so than college graduates of the same age working in other jobs. Despite this, teachers leave their chosen profession at higher rates than professionals in many other fields do. By some estimates,
By Author: Elise Simpson Teaching resources are crucial for effective teaching. Teachers regularly think about goal setting for students. From improving skills and meeting standards to being kind and putting the darn caps back on the glue sticks, there’s always something to strive towards. Different styles of templates allow kids with different abilities to record their goals whether that is through pictures or through writing. To improve both motivation and achievement among students setting students goals is an essential thing. For
By Author: Tom Greenfield Misunderstanding about online degrees are aplenty- one of them being that they’re easy. If you have enrolled in a course because it could be easy, you probably aren’t cut out for online learning. The only advantage that online courses offer is the freedom to determine the place and time of study. Here are a few things to help you understand if online learning is for you: Are you self-disciplined and self-motivated? Online syllabuses have the same syllabus and text
We all know that procrastination is bad. Time is of the essence and success demands consistency. Thorough and effective exam preparation can take months. Despite this, we sometimes find ourselves waking up one day with the realization that time has run out. This realization can trigger anxiety, exam stress, and even hopelessness. But all is not lost. You can still manage to prepare for your final exams, using effective last-minute study tips. While nothing beats good old-fashioned consistent exam preparation, these
Diversity Preparation Teachers felt their formal pre-service training did little to prepare them for teaching a diverse student population. Typically, discussion about diversity was the extent of their training. Teachers felt the best pre-service preparation was student teaching in schools with racially and culturally diverse student populations. In the absence of formal training, they drew upon personal life experiences. Some teachers had traveled extensively; some had lived and taught overseas. Older teachers either had previous job experience working with children of
For IELTS, you need to have a strong vocabulary. You will certainly need good words to write and speak more effectively. Your reading test and listening will also become a piece of cake if you know good vocabulary. Importance of learning new words Vocabulary helps you to improve your communication and gives a clear message to the listener. One should work to improve vocabulary as it gives a good impression and improves your language skills like native speakers. You just need to
Although educational opportunities for minority and low-income students have improved over the past 30 years, the achievement gap has not been closed. Understanding diversity and how it affects teaching and learning is a critical component in reaching this goal. Yet even with additional resources for multicultural education, most educators are not aware of the many ways that racial and cultural diversity affects teaching, learning, and educational outcomes. The situation is further compounded by the placement of uncertified or inexperienced teachers
By Author: Juniod DPS Going to the playschool is the first step that a child takes towards the bigger world of learning. It starts with leaving the comfort zone of home to explore their second home at schooling. As such, it becomes extremely crucial to provide growing toddlers with the right platform to support their learning and to aid their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. A reputed playschool can help lay a strong foundation for lifelong progress and growth. In