By Author: Richard Sharp Primary school leadership programs are designed to teach and strengthen the concept of leadership for young learners aged 10 to 12 in an engaging and fun way. The programs are entirely online and offered through e-learning courses specifically tailored to the needs of every school. Developing primary school leadership programs can be challenging, even for the most experienced educators. Consider working with specialists if you want to establish a proven leadership framework for students and maximise learning opportunities
By Author: limraedu Our country which has been consistently sending a huge number of students to abroad for higher studies. The reason for rising craze among students to go to abroad for higher studies is because the Countries like USA, UK, Russia are among the top destinations in the world. There could be hundreds of reasons that why a student would want to study in abroad. Based on my holistic research, here in this article – I have listed some of the
By Aaron Dungca Needham Teacher Student cognitive benefits from academic breaks, by researcher, Jarrett, O.S. (2002), found that in order to function efficiently, the brain needs a period of down time to recycle chemicals crucial for long term memory formation. This down time for memory development involves a 90-110 minute cyclical turnover (Jarrett, O. S. 2002). Recess for some children might be the only time they can engage in social interactions in which they choose who to associate with, under non
Today, I was speaking with an online acquaintance about the importance of curiosity and how it had to do with increased intelligence, also the need to ask questions, not only of others, but also of ourselves. Interestingly enough, last year, I was having nearly an identical dialogue with another acquaintance, Jared Kent, a think tanker engineer type. Jared stated to this concept of questions and curiosity; “Agreed, curiosity and questions produce more thinking which creates more curiosity and questions… and
1. It’s ‘easier’ (and not easy) to amend your child’s body-clock than trying to make him stick to routine, so let’s put easier things first on our goal list. The simplest part is regulating his hunger timings. While lunch break in school will do half of the trick, regulate his snacks, dinner and breakfast time. Serve each meal on a fixed time so his hunger timings are regulated. Welcoming him after school with a tasty energetic snack can be a
Have you noticed the attempts of those who create multiple choice tests to focus more on tripping you up on the questions, rather than trying to test your actual knowledge, talent, or experience? Boy, I have, and now that I recall, this nonsense has been going on far too long. Indeed, it even goes on in grade school, remember? What does this teach our young superstars and geniuses? It teaches them not to trust authority and to fear they will get
The other day I had commented on a YouTube video from a left-leaning economist who was touting solutions akin to socialist economic theory. I was met with another commenter telling me that I had no economics degree and thus, my views were to be completely rejected. Further, I hadn’t done any research on the topic, quantifiable research, therefore the academic socialist leaning fellow was the one to follow. Interestingly enough, I have a series of economic eBooks, have written on
“You cannot interact with students and be devoid of emotions.” – Dr. J. Emotions are present in every aspect of our communication, whether or not we are aware of the existence of it. For example, you are having an emotional reaction right now as you read this opening introduction. You either feel a sense of connection to what you are reading, and want to continue, or you believe you already know enough about the subject and feel it would not be
By Author: KamalDBGI Picking an MBA program can be stimulating as there are countless factors to consider. There are several organizations- such as The Economist, Financial Times, and Business week- that rank MBA programs using a variety of metrics. colleges might be charged by recruiters and academics who rate each college based on personal experience and knowledge. Data points, such as average GMAT or GRE scores, average starting salaries for graduates, and employment rates are among the other factors considered. Yet
With the best of intentions, educators are recommending an infusion of energy directed at increasing parental participation in schools. The federal government has issued documents to help schools organize parent participation programs. Major educational interventions list parental involvement as an important ingredient. Scholarly writing on the topic abounds; new searches produce hundreds of references, many of them guides for schools to help increase parental participation or descriptions of programs implemented in one locality or another. The purpose of this report