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Expert Advice On How To Homeschool Your Child

Private schools are getting ever more expensive, but what can we do instead? Homeschooling is one option. The decision to remove your child from a formalized learning environment is not one to ever be taken lightly. Read on for some insight and advice that can help you decide whether you want to homeschool your child. Homeschooling doesn’t mean you have to be their only teacher. Involve other experts, be it the Baker at the local bakery or your nearby librarian. Family

How To Get Started With Home Schooling

You may be thinking about home schooling your kids for one reason or another. Children often face overcrowded classrooms and dangers such as drugs and violence in public schools. Many parents believe they have the right to decide what their children should be learning, and home schooling allows them to have this control. Yet home schooling is a big decision, and one that requires you to be well informed about what you’ll have to do. Because of the laws and regulations

Homeschooling – Being the Teacher

Many parents who consider homeschooling are concerned with their own ability to teach their children. They feel that they are not trained as a teacher, or they do not have enough education, or that they will in some way make a mistake and permanently damage their child. Having homeschooled all three of my children, I am here to convince you that you can teach your child if that is what you want. Legalities Let’s first look at some legal issues. Each state

Are The Elected Officials Aware Of The Wide Range Of Important Education Issues?

Public education is one of the most important institutions in our country, an institution in which the public has always played a role. It is the public who elects school board members, pays taxes to support public schools, votes for school bond referendum, and visits and volunteers in the schools. Public schools, in turn, transmit important values and information that help young people participate in our democracy and become responsible citizens. Clearly, education is important to all members of society

Homeschool and Covid-19: What’s the Problem?

Let’s look beyond the mask. Homeschool parents and students must be looking at the problems traditional schools are facing with no small degree of wonderment. As homeschool families require minimal change in their routine, classroom teachers are scrambling to find the balance between in-person and online learning. Of course some change is inevitable, even for homeschoolers. Soccer matches are on hold, parks and hiking trails closed, even the workout gym isn’t available. While those closings are disappointing and disturbing, homeschoolers know how to

The Short-Term Academic Achievement Of Retained Students

In this era of accountability, many school systems have begun taking a harder line with regard to promotion policy, retaining students who do not make sufficient academic progress-particularly in reading and math. In many cases, the decision to retain a student is based on student performance on high-stakes standardized tests. Research has consistently shown that retention does not improve student achievement and may, in fact, have long-term negative consequences for students, because retained students are much more likely to eventually

Learn How to Become Visible and Accessible in a Virtual Classroom

Do you feel adequately prepared to teach as an online instructor? Are you easily accessible and available for your learners? Do learners perceive you as being visible and uniquely identifiable as their instructor? One of the challenges higher education has faced recently is providing quality education via a virtual classroom environment, especially for classes not normally assigned to be taught remotely. Even for experienced online instructors, there are inherent challenges that are based upon the nature of working in this manner

Public speaking – Tips to Look More Confident Even if you are not

By Author: Voiceskills The art of becoming a crowd puller is learnt overtime and a few make overs in the style of presentation this article gives a few important tips to develop public speaking skills with ease. 1. Surround You with the Right People Be around the right people. When you are around people who are negative and always pessimistic, sooner or later their energy will pull you down as well. When you are around positive people, sooner or later their energy will rub

Essay Writing Service – How to Select the Right One

By Author: Vivan Jackson You want to hire a quality essay writing company and a reliable one for that matter But unfortunately, there are many bad reviews online. In fact, there are so many bad reviews online that it is very hard to decide which ones are real and which are just paid spam sites. To help you out, here are the main things you need to consider when selecting an essay writing service. The first thing you need to consider is whether

What Is the Importance of Educational Assignments?

What is Education Assignment? A term itself is defining its meaning. Assignments are given in every area. But the types of assignments that students will get in their academics are known as education… What is Education Assignment? A term itself is defining its meaning. Assignments are given in every area. But the types of assignments that students will get in their academics are known as educational assignments. However, the assignments that are performed by students are known as educational assignments. Why Assignments Are