The demand for new teachers has been climbing steadily since the 1990s and is expected to continue in the foreseeable future given the increases in teacher retirement and student enrollment, lower pupil/teacher ratios, and rising teacher attrition rates. New teachers enter the profession with varying degrees of preparation, ranging from extensive coursework and classroom experience to no preparation at all. They often need special attention and support to reach their full potential as educators, but this support is sorely lacking
Your students come to class or log onto an online platform and complete required tasks, which must mean to some degree they are interested in learning. Somehow, through class lectures or informative posts an educator has taken time to develop, these students will acquire knowledge they need, and through the activities designed to ensure they take the time to read and apply what has been read, they will meet the required outcomes. That’s the plan when a course is designed
For IELTS, you need to have a strong vocabulary. You will certainly need good words to write and speak more effectively. Your reading test and listening will also become a piece of cake if you know good vocabulary. Importance of learning new words Vocabulary helps you to improve your communication and gives a clear message to the listener. One should work to improve vocabulary as it gives a good impression and improves your language skills like native speakers. You just need to
If you frequently celebrate poetry in the classroom, you can transform your students into more enlightened readers and writers. Light verse is defined as “poetry that is playful or humorous and usually rhymed.” If we extend the umbrellas of “light verse” to include such poetry as what we find in the late Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends or Falling Up, which is full of quirks, surprise rhymes, and free verse, then light verse becomes music to the soul of
Looking for some tips on how to better your dissertations by writing comprehensive literature reviews? You will get the tips here. A dissertation is nothing without a concrete literature review. A Literature review is considered to be the foundation for a praiseworthy dissertation. However, drafting one is a complex endeavour as it needs to be prim and proper if you wish to produce the best dissertations. Therefore, you need to know the essentials of drafting a literature review in a dissertation;
The United Kingdom has been the go-to place for further education. Universities in the UK receive students from all over the globe. Students from different nations, ethnicity and backgrounds. Most of these students are from within the UK, but there is plenty of students that join from other places. United Kingdom provides many benefits like shorter courses and faster learning. United Kingdom has tried many ways of learning and teaching. Because of that, today the United Kingdom holds a name in
Technology has become an important tool in teaching and in learning even in the classroom today. Projectors, smart boards and iPads have become common in different schools. The visualiser is another tool that is very useful and convenient to use in the classrooms today. A visualiser is very similar to the overhead projector, but there is no overhead projecting. It is a kind of camera that effectively links your computer or IWB, and then projects. The camera can present whatever you
When studying for a major exam, it is important to look for every tool or asset that could benefit you on the day of the test. Most exams from vendors such as Cisco, Citrix, VMware, Microsoft and CompTIA are very challenging. IT professionals and others looking to get ahead in their career must ensure they are fully prepared if they want to pass these examinations at the first try. That is why it is a good idea to find a
Much literature is available on programs to teach critical thinking, and a substantial amount of evidence indicates critical thinking can be taught and learned, especially when instruction is specifically designed to encourage transfer of skills. Nevertheless, the types of studies required to confirm with certitude the efficacy of teaching critical thinking present practical and methodological problems. Critical Thinking Most definitions of critical thinking refer to the mental processes of reasoning logically, making judgments, questioning, and reflecting on the process itself. I define
The struggles of youth without college degrees constitute a labor-market crisis as they move from one dead-end job to another, unable to develop skills, status, and earnings. Employers complain that these employees lack basic skills, which must be provided on the job. Growing shortages of skilled workers suggest that educational reform must address improving the abilities and opportunities of high-school graduates. This article shows that schools have misunderstood work-entry problems by focusing on college entry and that students have misunderstood