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Improved Classroom Management and Instructional Skills

If one seeks to eliminate achievement gaps at elementary, middle, and secondary school levels, then it is essential that improvement efforts focus on implementing a series of initiatives. The initiatives must aim to achieve a targeted degree of implementation in a focused and progressive effort. Periodic evaluations of progress in reaching new standards help determine when the various elements of the plan are in place and functioning reasonably well. Periodic visits to the schools enable superintendents and central office staff

Educational Values Develop School-Home Communication

For two decades, educators have attempted to get parents more involved in children’s learning. Experts agree that parental involvement is crucial to student success, but too often the typical involvement-work on fundraising, open houses, and school committees-is detached from an understanding of the type of involvement that research has shown necessary for improved student learning. Thus, parental support of teachers in helping students with schoolwork and responsible conduct is often overlooked. A blueprint for research and educational guidance begun and

HESI Evolve Study Habits To Succeed

Examinations are an unavoidable part of the world of education, which means that if you are ambitious and want a successful future, you’re going to be taking plenty of exams! While some students cause themselves an undue amount of stress over their exams, there are in fact several behaviors which you can practice to make test-taking easy, stress-free, and successful for you. If you have never developed these strong study habits, now is the time! 1. Be prepared. Preparation is critical

Admissions Decisions: MBA Entrance Exams Worldwide

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an internationally recognized postgraduate business degree. An MBA entrance exam is often required as the most significant part of the admission process for getting into the MBA programs. The MBA is one of the most sought after career paths. Many graduates are attracted by the promises of high pay packages that are thought to follow a managerial education. Of course, those that are aiming for something higher than that, and have real business objectives

Reading, Thinking, and Project Based Learning

With much of today’s new tools and resources and teaching/learning techniques focusing on project based learning, one might be left to question where do books fit in? How do we take literature and textbooks and incorporate them into this new teaching modality. Reading is the sister to thinking. But, as is often true, these sisters are very different. Reading is an active learning method, as opposed to listening, which is a passive learning method. (Extrovert/Introvert) To enhance reading literacy, students should be

GMAT Examination In A Nutshell

On the official GMAT website stands the claim that “your future begins with GMAT”. Many aspiring MBA students worldwide seem to agree! GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test, and it’s an important part of selection criteria for admission into many graduate management programs, such as an MBA. The candidate’s GMAT score tells business schools exactly where he fell with respect to other candidates who took GMAT. It is proven that this test can quite accurately predict candidate’s success in business

How Home Tuition Prevents Your Child From Falling Behind In School

If you are a parent, the term home tuition may not be new to you. Even though some might dismiss this as an excuse for tutors to make extra money, home coaching goes a long way in ensuring your child never falls behind in his or her school. If your kid is falling behind in school, you will most likely be the last person to know. The child might be too ashamed or embarrassed to talk about his or her

Top Tips on How to Find the Best Tutor for Your Child

There was once a time that finding outside help wasn’t the thing to do and parents would place all their faith in the schools and teachers to facilitate children achieving their potential. These days it is seen as perfectly reasonable and quite common practice to seek the help of a tutor if you find your child is struggling or would simply like a little extra help to extend their school work. However, finding the right tutor for your child is important

How Tutors Shape Our Lives

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”. – Albert Einstein. Education restricted to schools is a common occurrence, but various instances affirm that a conventional school education is at times, not enough for the child. To enter the job market after completing their education is a difficult task for any person. Thus, education today has become more about focussing on skills and employment rather than intellectual rigour. Therefore, many children since a young

The Teaching Era Has Undergone Many Changes in the World

The current era has undergone many changes in the world of science and technology. With the entry into force of the New World Order, many traditional jobs have been dusted and many new job opportunities have emerged. It is also true that many traditional job opportunities have also been strengthened by progress in various areas. The need for everyone to read has led to the popularity of apprenticeships. The various teaching professions that are available to you now are the