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How Urban Schools Can Provide More Coherent Professional Development

Reformers argue that for schools to educate all children to higher standards, teachers need a deeper understanding of the content they teach, of specific areas of content that challenge students, and of effective strategies for meeting those challenges. As a result, more and more reform programs include intensive, continuing professional development that addresses these needs. Past growth opportunities offered by school districts, higher education institutions, and other sources have been criticized as ineffective. Critics argue that the predominance of short,

When Learning Doesn’t Come Easy

From the moment we find out we are expecting a child, our minds and hearts overflow with hopes and dreams for them. My child will be the most beautiful, brilliant, talented little person to ever walk the Earth, right? And they are that to each of us! But sometimes, we discover there is a “problem.” The last thing we want to admit is there is something different or wrong with our child. It’s a hard thing to do. Not that we

IELTS Writing

If there was a World Cup of the most disliked part of an English language exam, the IELTS Writing would probably win very often. Nowadays, when studying a foreign language people often put little emphasis on the skill of writing and more on speaking or listening. So when it’s time for the IELTS, writing about virtually unfamiliar topics in a limited amount of time only makes things worse. When I walk into a classroom and only mention a writing task

The Challenges With Home Learning

When you decide to embark upon a home learning programme, it can be an exciting time! All of the potential of new knowledge headed in your direction from the comfort of your arm chair and yet as much as I would encourage the personal and professional development this will bring, there are definitely some factors that you should consider before jumping in. Are you someone who finds it easy to motivate yourself? If so then home learning will be a great option

The Benefits of Home Learning

Do you remember going to school or college and just not being in the right frame of learning that particular day? Perhaps you found the classroom environment distracting and wished you could get your head down in peace and quite in the library instead! If so, you might be a great candidate for home learning. One of the best things about a home learning course is that you can work through the materials at your own pace. You can decide when, where

Technology Brings Unconventional Teaching Methods Mainstream

There was a time in the not too distant past where a quality education meant attending a traditional brick and mortar institution. The alternatives like home schooling, distance learning and correspondence education were often seen as inferior, albeit legitimate teaching methodologies. However, technology has changed the way we see the non-traditional approaches to education and learning. The internet has revolutionized the way we interact with the world in a number of different ways. Information is now readily available at a click

Why Do You Need a Home Tutor?

In-home tutoring or home tutoring can be defined as a form of tutoring that is basically done at home and not anywhere outside. Tutoring can also be defined as receiving guidance or any type of instruction by a tutor. More often than not, this tutoring relates to a particular test preparation or any academic subject. This is very different when compared to other types of tutoring centers or any other type of tutoring that is provided by various after school

Getting the Right Tutor for Your Child

The 21st century is very competitive for students, particularly where exemplary exam results and academic success are vital to a student’s future. Unfortunately, most of the teachers in our schools are often not able to give their students the individual attention that they need to achieve their high levels of academic success in their studies and exams. Home Tutoring for the Struggling Student Many students, often the underachievers and those with learning difficulties struggle in school to cope with their daily homework

Keys To Doing Well On Standardized Tests

If you’re like most people, you probably dread the idea of taking standardized tests or even preparing for them. Whether it is the SAT’s, or a test you take to get into graduate school, it is no fun preparing for those tests. You’ve probably enrolled into a test prep course, which is obviously a good idea. There are a few other things you can do as well which will make the test prep process much easier. #1: Spend Some Time Each

Proper Goal Setting Guarantees Success to Students

While there are many factors that contribute towards success in life, one of the factors definitely is the good scores they achieve during these crucial years of academic life. There are many life skills that students can be taught during an early age that will help them achieve their goals. Organizational skills, time management skills, the discipline to delay short-term gratification in the pursuit of long-term goals, etc., all go a long way to achieving ones desires. However, one of